Refund Policy

All software Products purchased from Monocomsoft on its website are eligible for refund only if cancelled within the refund period of 7 days from the date of purchase. Some products may have different policies or requirements for a refund while others may not be eligible for a refund under any situation. Please see below for refund terms and conditions.

"Refund Period", you may cancel a product and ask for a refund at any time, but a refund will only be provided if you request a such refund or cancellation within 7 days from the date of purchase and proper reason is provided by the buyer for such a cancelation or request for a refund. Date of Purchase means the “date of purchase of any product or date of renewal of a product. No refunds shall be issued to the buyer in case no satisfactory reasons provided by the buyer for such a return.

Refund Exclusion

Monocomsoft, in its sole discretion, has the right to limit or deny refund requests in cases where it believe there is an abuse of refunds policy and request for refunds procedure is not followed, including but not limited to the following:

1. After expiry of refunds period as mentioned above and purchased software has been used for the purposes by the buyer for which it was purchased.

2. License key has been misused.

3. Buyers who have their accounts banned or suspended due to a violation of our Terms or Privacy Guidelines.

Refund Request

A buyer can request for a refund in the following manner as prescribed below :

1. A request for cancellation or refunds should be issued over Monocomsoft support email by the buyer within 7 days from the date of purchase.

2. Monocomsoft shall revert to the user within two business days from the receipt of such a request.

3. The reasons cited by the buyer for request for refunds and upon validity of genuineness of the reasons by the buyer to cancel or return the product refunds may be issued partially or in full depending upon the circumstances.

4. Amount once paid through the payment gateway shall not be refunded other than in the following circumstances :

4.1 Multiple times debiting of Customer’s Card/Bank Account due to technical error

4.2 Customer's account being charged with excess amount in a single transaction due to technical error

4.3 refunds in cases of return or cancellation of product and service by the buyer upon citing sufficient reasons for such a return.

Monocomsoft, in its sole discretion, upon violation of its terms or use and privacy policy, has the right to suspend or terminate your account and deny all current or future use of the Service, or any other Monocomsoft service, for any reason at any time. Such termination of the Service will result in the deactivation or deletion of your Account or limiting your access to your Account, and Monocomsoft reserves the right to forfeit all Content in your Account.