Email marketing

What are The 10 Best Ways of Sending Effective Promotional Emails During Holidays?

10 best ways of sending effective promotional emails

Holidays is a great time to generate more revenue, the competition is also stiff during this time. So, you must have an exclusive marketing strategy to cope up with the same.

One of the digital marketing tools you must resort to is the email marketing. There is no doubt about the fact that email marketing still offers the largest share of Return on Investment (ROI) $44 for every dollar spent.

So, this holiday season invest your time and money on your email marketing strategy to boost your revenue.

But how? After all, you are not the only company sending out emails to the consumers. From flight tickets, hotels to restaurants and lifestyle stores, holidays have customers for all sectors.

As per some recent statistics, 89% of the businesses use email marketing to generate leads and and Thanksgiving witnessed 95 million promotional emails.

So, in order to improve email to conversion rate, your emails must standout.

Let us checkout the 10 best ways of sending effective promotional emails during holidays-

1. Opt For Email Drip Campaign

email drip campaign

Email drip campaign refers to 3 types of personalisation that helps you increase the email to conversion rate.

The first step is to perform some data analysis on user purchase history and web browsing details and then send segregated emails as per user preference.

The second step is to personalise the emails by understanding each individual customer and interact instead of thinking him/her just as a lead.

Lastly use the triggered email strategy in which a user gets a series of emails based on the specific activities they perform. Here you send emails based on their newsletter subscription details or abandoned cart details.

2. Offer Discounts

Another effective way to have a positive impact on the open rates and the click-through rates is by offers promotional coupons and discounts.

Holiday shoppers usually shop in bulk as they have to buy for themselves and gift as well, so they often look for economical prices, coupons and discounts. It is better if you can keep these offers time sensitive.

A deadline creates a sense of urgency and improves the conversion rates.

3. Focus On The Content

40% of the readers want their emails to be informative rather than promotional. So, focus on the email content.

Readers should be able to identify the benefits and features that they will get by visiting the given link or by purchasing your products or services.

Breakup lengthy text blocks, add bullet points and clear images to make it easy and appealing for the readers. Subject lines also play a pivotal role in making the user open the email. So, try to be catchy, compelling and informative when writing the subject line.

Now, once the email is opened, the first thing that grabs attention is the header. Make sure to enter the logo of your brand in the header and few details like the Call to Action (CTA) and name of the promotion to give it a clean and professional look.

Last but not the least do not forget to make the emails attractive using holiday special email templates.

4. Go For Automation

If you want to give special attention to each and every customer during the busy holidays then automation is the best resort.

Create workflows of generating auto-emails for separate activities like season welcome, abandoned cart and top shoppers.

5. Ensure Mobile Compatibility

In the excitement of exhibiting the best of the products, email marketers end up adding high pixel images, or uses colours and fonts that are not properly visible on mobiles.

Almost 41% of the promotional emails are viewed from phones and it is important to ensure that the content style and format is easily readable on the same.

You may use responsive email templates that are readily available and are specifically made for mobiles to avoid any challenges.

6. Pitch Gifting Ideas

When it comes to gifting most of us remain confused. So promotional emails which address this issue are likely to generate more sales.

Send your readers emails with product ideas that are ideal for gifting on Christmas, Diwali or Dussehra. This kind of email marketing will also make your customers feel valuable and reduces their stress of holiday shopping.

So, this strategy improves sales prospective by brings your products in centre of attention.

7. Do Not Forget The Lesser Known Holidays

Every holiday is special to the users and there is a customer base for each one. So besides focusing on the most popular ones like Black Friday or Raksha Bandhan, focus on the lesser-known ones like the Weekend Sales, Green Monday or Cyber Monday.

The benefit is, the competition is less on these holidays and hence with a little email marketing you can achieve more.

Also, you can focus on regional holidays to get more sales from specific states. Moreover, you can also focus on birthdays and anniversaries, as though these are not holidays but are special days in the reader’s life and the probability of shopping is quite high.

8. Promote Early Holiday Sales

email campaign

Along with the email type and content, the time of sending the promotional email matters a lot. Get ahead of the competition by promoting your holiday sales early.

Start sending early emails on promotional offers instead of waiting till the last minute. Early bird offers are known to be successful when it comes to improving the open and click through rate.

You may also try to build the anticipation by sending out countdown emails.

9. Beckon The Last Minute Shoppers

There is always a group of shoppers who leave their shopping till the last minute. Entice them with last minute deals and flash sales.

Another challenge is almost 64% of the last-minute shoppers prefer offline shopping because the products may not arrive on time.

So, if you want them to buy from your website it is a great idea to promote your deals along with the additional flavour of express delivery.

10. Keep Customers Engaged Post-Sales

Use the lead that was generated during the holidays to build a base of loyal customers.

It is a common scenario to lose almost a quarter of the shoppers after the holidays. Offer post- holiday offers and fun promotions to keep them coming back to your website or store.

You can even give away freebies to the top shoppers to make them feel special. However, the emails you send should not be irrelevant or too much as this might again lead to losing of subscribers.

So, email marketing is not that difficult during the holidays with the right campaign. Follow the above tips and gear up for the holidays today!